Find friendship, Companionship or Love
How we Meet

Are you looking to change your life? To have something real? Someone real? But have no clue where to start? Well look no further I’m here to help you all to find happiness and contentment.
I will interview you guide you and take your photograph ,its all about being real (and its all about being you) Online dating is a scary place so I’ve got rid of the fear (well most of it anyway)by showing you the initial photo I’ve taken and using real names so you can see what they really look like .
From my research I’ve kept hearing the same thing over and over again (people don’t look like their photo, people aren’t who they say they are, they are only after one thing, they were married!)
Here at I have tried to eliminate all those things by doing the interview stage myself, this is for real genuine people looking for real genuine connections (yes there are genuine people out there all looking for the same as you)
I’m always available to give tips and advice if you need it, you are not on your own.
The first stage in your process is to go to the website to book your appointment, I will arrange a place and time convenient to start your journey I can also advise you on things to chat about conversation starters and interesting topics too.

Getting Started

Its all about light hearted conversations and fun getting to know each other better, deep and meaningful conversations can come later down the line keep it fun to start with ,you have already shared lots of information on your profile to get them interested so keep it fun.

DWADETTES – (Dating With A Difference) ladies

Being honest and upfront about your feelings is the only way to go,communication is the best tool you have,spelling out exactly what you are looking for,always be clear with your intensions (you will get more respect back being honest)If someone isn’t for you say so

DWADUDES – (Dating With A Difference) men

Ladies are looking for a reliable partner someone who is also trustworthy both are very attractive quality’s to have making a good first impression is paramount so dress to impress on your interview for your photo

First Date Nerves

If you connect with someone and they ask “when are you free to chat again” Whoooo Hooo you have a virtual first date , Keep the conversation honest and light hearted, chatting more will make you realise if you just want to be friends or you’d like to chat some more

Being Turned Down

Is all part of getting to know new people (We cant be everyone’s cup of tea) and that’s fine respectfully bow out of the conversation if its not for you again honesty is the best policy

How To Be Irresistible To Women

Your Face to Face Meeting

First impressions are a thing (the main thing) always dress well and smell nice (coming straight from work smelling like work isn’t the right first impression) Its important to be present in all conversations (even if its something your not into) if its important to her listen and ask questions
Avoid cheesy chat up lines wolf whistling and bum slapping (ladies don’t appreciate that or bad dad jokes).
Keep it simple light hearted good honest conversation and fun laughing a lot is good .
If your first date doesn’t go to plan and you have an awful time its not a problem put it down to experience and be pleased you even tried ,next time will be better .


On your first meeting if things don’t go to plan don’t stress about it try and see the funny side to any problems that arise that’s far better than stressing out

Show Your Softer Side

Ladies like men to be gentlemen show your softer side be vulnerable show you have a heart and a gentle side


Boost each others confidence by listening to each others conversations and engage with each other to gain better confidence the more you do it the easier it will be.

Be Nice

All ladies want to feel special ,telling her something nice about her appearance or complementing her humour or her dress sense will make her feel great and give her the confidence to say nice things back .helping both of your confidence levels to soar

We All Love to Laugh

Plan your first date around laughter a comedy club or funny film or show , laughter helps us to bond and relaxes people

Be Spontaneous

A pint in the local is ok but not every date find out “what’s on” locally make new memories together going the extra mile will go along way