Find friendship, Companionship or Love

Do you ever feel like you are here for everyone else?Helping them? Being there for them? Looking after them? worrying about them? What about you? Who is there for you? Helping you? Being there for you? Looking after you? Worrying about you? Its time for you to find your special someone that you can do all these things for you and you them ,someone to call yours. Of course your family and friends will always come first but it would be nice for you to have someone in your life just being there for you, sharing you life your bag of chips your time, let me help you find someone, someone on the same path as you ,sometimes how we think our life will go doesn’t necessarily go to plan through no fault of our own , we then need a new plan for our future a new direction to go in just like everyone else on that thought their lives were mapped out too ,Its a bit scary starting all over again but i’m here to help you every step of the way ,I want to build a community of single people all in one place all looking for a bit of happiness knowing you are chatting a genuine person and not wasting your time (your time is to precious to waste ) to put a smile back on your face and a spring in your step, what do you have to lose? You have everything to gain.