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Did you know?

King Henry VIII of England declared 14th February a holiday in 1537 and it has stuck ever since

Cupid has become an icon of Valentines day drawing his bow to inspire people to fall in love

Venus is the goddess of love and cupid was her son

Valentines day is named after a Christian martyr St Valentine

Over 25 million Valentines Day cards are sent in the UK alone and over a billion worldwide so its the second largest occasion to send cards of the year

Each year 10% of all marriage proposals happen on St Valentines Day

Over 50% of of people now ask for a date over text

Only 15% ask face to face

Valentines day is the most popular day for men to send flowers

Women mostly just send cards

Only 29% of men send cards thinking the flowers are enough 71% of women send cards proving that are more romantic

Women send 74% of alcoholic gifts to men and men only 26%