Have you been hurt? Let down? Cheated on ?Lied to? Has your confidence took a knock ?
Life has a funny way of working things out ,taking time out to find yourself is the first step.
Work out what is acceptable in your new relationship what you are willing to put up with with ,learn from the past relationships what you let slide that really you shouldn’t of.
Make this relationship your last one by saying from the start what you expect and ask your new partner to tell you the same ,communication is the key to a happy life, if you are both on the same page you have a happy healthy relationship , if something happens you don’t like say you don’t like that (how will your other half know if you are silent)go into this new relationship with new confidence ,you will be amazed at how much respect you will get just by being honest.
We have all been let down at some point in a past relationship that we thought was happy and healthy and we have all learned valuable lessons saying that will never happen to me again! Talk openly and freely start as you mean to go on ,we are here for a good time not a long time so lets make every day count .